Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Babies and Dogs and Mother's In Law, Oh My!

I started turning a little 'crunchy' last May after I had my first babe. Nothing major, just some cloth diapering, organic foods, and a generally healthier lifestyle. Apparently, this was just too much for certain people to handle, primarily in the realm of lacking the ability to keep quite (or even be somewhat supportive of my choices). Whatever, I wrote this off and went on my way, but here we are almost 9 months later and I'm still taking shit from the MIL, SIL, and some other select groups. So, this crap just keeps compounding along with the growing lack of tact from people pertaining to their inability to conceal their dislike of me. I'm used to people having something to say about me (I used to live a completly different life, but I'ver moved on), but Facbook has taken this into a whole new dimension. Apparently my MIL is under the impression that letting her freak flag fly includes being a bitch in a not so covert manner. I once thought that if you were going to be a bitch to someone it was best to do it to their face or just save it, however i've now learned it's about going behindf their back and making comments to their husband. This is some drama best left in the halls of a high school people. So, here I stand, coping with the unexpected loss of a beloved pet, reading snarky, horribly veiled poor word choices from an in-law via Facebook. Oh, and a grandfather who already a confussed mess and dying to boot! Maybe I'm writing this post for sanity's sake, maybe I'm doing it for feedback. I don't know to be honest. What I do know is, none of it warrents a direct reply to thoes sending it my way. They can suck it.

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